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     "A magical, mechanical, dusty, electric, and empowering read of cosmic proportions."
- New York Times bestselling author,
Cynthia Leitich Smith


On April 14, 1935, the Goddesses of Life and Death began a ten-year game to test mankind. As the biggest dust storm in the history of the Dust Bowl swept over Oklahoma, one world ended, another began: the world of the game. A world of endless deserts, terrifying, twisted creatures, and lawless marauders. And out of the center of the desert rose the walled city of Elysium and its benevolent dictator, the mysterious witch, Mother Morevna.

     As the ten year game draws to a close, an ailing Mother Morevna takes on Sal Wilkerson, an insecure but determined young witch, as her successor. Meanwhile, the Goddess of Life sends a wildcard demon named Asa to give the people of Elysium a hint that could tip the game in their favor. 

     But when everything goes wrong, Sal and Asa find themselves exiled from Elysium and at the mercy of the terrifying creatures of the desert. If they want to survive--and set things right again--they will have to band together with a gang of fierce girls and fight back against the apocalypse and the Goddesses themselves. 



Pitched as parts Mad Max: Fury RoadCaraval, and Seven Samurai, Elysium Girls is Kate Pentecost's fantasy debut, forthcoming from Disney Hyperion in April, 2o2o.



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