K a t e P e n t e c o s t
Editing Services
Hello, everyone! As of July 19, 2021, I am open to new client inquiries. At this time, I am accepting mainly prose projects, including: short story collections, novels (YA, MG and adult.) I am also offering submission packages, which include editing your queries, synopses, outlines, and other submission materials and are tailored for your needs.
What types of editing do I do?
This type of editing is for writers in early stages of their finished (or even unfinished) manuscripts. It includes reading your full-length manuscript in depth, providing suggestions on important plot points, characters, setting/world-building, and other ways of improving your story. Will be conducted via email and will always include 1-3 pages of feedback
Rate $3/page, 1-2 weeks.
If your manuscript needs multiple rounds of edits, we can work out a schedule and payment details.
This option is best for writers who have already completed a developmental edit and feel confident in the working parts of their manuscripts. My copyedits will focus on language, atmosphere, tone, and generally making sure your book is consistently written throughout. With this option, I send back a copy of your manuscript, line edited (through the use of the Comments feature on Word) with corrections for voice, tone, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and anything else that is relevant.
Rate $4/page, 4-6 weeks. Let me know in advance if you're planning to submit this work to an an agent or publisher and what your timeline is.
Submissions Packages
A submissions package is a full prep of your (completed!) novel for submission to agents or publishers. I prefer YA, MG, and Adult, and my specialties are fantasy, science fiction, speculative, surrealism, realistic, and horror. This package includes a read through of your novel with final line edits, advice for markets, agents, and submissions. It also includes a read-through and edit of query letter and/or synopsis. This is the best option for writers who have completed both developmental editing and copyedits and want to make sure they're sending their best work out into the world. I'm not accepting poetry at this time, but use my contact page and I can point you toward people who can!
Rate $500, 2-4 weeks
Ongoing Mentorship ("Packets")
This is the most involved of all the editing packages. Essentially it is one on one mentorship through four rounds of edits. This option includes four rounds of both developmental and copy edits as well as a recommended reading list and tailored advice for publication. I will also include recommended reading lists, encouragement, progress tracking, and industry advice. MUST HAVE AT LEAST 75 PAGES OF WORK COMPLETED TO BE ACCEPTED FOR THIS OPTION.
Rate $600 per packet or $2,400 in total.
For editing inquiries, contact me via my Contact page.
I look forward to working with you!